09 Mar Councilman Solorio’s Efforts to Reinstate ICE Contract End in Failure
For Immediate Release // Excuse Cross-Posting
March 8, 2017
Contact: Hairo Cortes, OCIYU, 657.272.3475, hairo@www.ociyu.org
Santa Ana, CA – As chants of “Latino Trump” directed toward Councilman Jose Solorio reverberated throughout the Santa Ana City Council Chamber, one thing became clear: any efforts to resuscitate the ICE Contract, which would have allowed the city to continue detaining immigrants for profit, were dead.
On February 23rd ICE notified the city that it was cutting up the contract and leaving Santa Ana Jail within 90 Days. Councilman Solorio, a longtime supporter of immigrant detention and policies that criminalize youth of color made an attempt to persuade the rest of the Council to try to keep ICE in town. With Councilman Vince Sarmiento, who is opposed to reinstating the ICE contract absent, the Council deadlocked 3-3, ensuring that the phase out continues as planned.