About the Not1More Campaign
The Not1More Campaign is a national campaign spearheaded by a broad local community organizations and individual with the purpose of ending all detention and deportations of immigrants in the United States by organizing to end local participation in immigration enforcement, and by pressuring the President to use administrative powers to provide relief and terminate deportation programs.
In the state of California, immigrant youth led organization like the Orange County Immigrant Youth United and other member organizations of the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance have led much of the charge.
The campaign succeeded in moving President Obama to create the program of Deferred Action for Parents of US Citizens and Permanent Residents and expand the existing Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program in November of 2014. Since then the campaign has continued fighting for those left out of the new relief programs, including Queer and Transgender immigrants and people with criminal records.
Our Involvement
OCIYU has been active participant in the #Not1More Campaign for over a year. Our members helped organize the first action in California which was held in Santa Monica in May of 2013. Our members were also present in Arizona on October 2013 during the launch of the Shut Down ICE portion of the campaign and assisted various groups in California who replicated those actions in the months that followed.
In the Spring of 2014 OCIYU focused its attention in pressuring Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez into publicly supporting Administrative Relief, and proceeded to call for leadership on the part of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. We also participated in pushing for LGBTQ Relief by supporting DeColores Queer OC and Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement.
OCIYU also helped launch #MyOwnAdvocate in July of 2014, a campaign to hold our allies in Washington and the President accountable by demanding undocumented representation at the Administrative Relief negotiation table. And has been a supporter of the campaign since then.
OCIYU also submitted a letter to the White House sponsored by 53 immigrant youth-led organizations demanding broad Administrative Relief.
Since the announcement of DAPA, OCIYU has continued participating in the Not1More Campaign by lending action support to organizations like Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement, providing strategic input in at the national coordinating level, and by regularly publishing opinion articles in support of broader relief and an end to immigrant detention.